Windows 10
MS SQL Server 2016
We are getting intermittent failures when running build scripts with the following error: No directory specified for PsTools installation.
I was unable to attach a sample log file (“File type not allowed.”), so I’ve pasted it below.
The appropriate FinalBuilder option is set. That is, Tools - Options - Windows OS - PsTools Options, PsTools installed directory is set to C:\Program Files (x86)\PsTools.
This error is intermittent. Most of the time the build works fine. But 2-3 times a day the above error occurs. It seems to happen more often on triggered builds (repository trigger), but can also happen on user instigated builds.
Sample log file follows:
12:08:40 PMStage: Build
12:08:41 PMServer To Agent Workspace Sync
12:08:41 PMStarted syncing files from the server[BNELAN-MTBM01] to the agent [BNELAN-MTBM04]
12:09:03 PMFinished syncing files from the server [BNELAN-MTBM01] to the agent [BNELAN-MTBM04].
12:09:03 PMContinuous - Delphi 10
12:09:03 PMParameters
12:09:03 PMWorking Directory: C:\ContinuaCI\CI_AWS\Ws\67235\Source\FinalBuilderScripts
12:09:03 PMExecutable: C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalBuilder 8\FBCMD.exe
12:09:03 PMArguments: -nb -vp -v:ConsoleBuild=“True”;Configuration=“Continuous”;FBServerStartedBy=“Continuous Integration Trigger”; C:\ContinuaCI\CI_AWS\Ws\67235\Source\FinalBuilderScripts\BuildMailBagInOut.fbp8 -!:C:\ContinuaCI\CI_AWS\Ws\67235\ContinuaContext.xml
12:09:03 PMEnvironment Variables
12:09:03 PMNo environment variables specified
12:09:08 PMValidation failed.
12:09:08 PMValidation errors in Target: StopCopyStart
12:09:08 PMAction : Stop Service
12:09:08 PMPsTools Options : No directory specified for PsTools installation. Click here to correct.
12:09:08 PMValidation errors in Target: StartService
12:09:08 PMAction : Start Service
12:09:08 PMPsTools Options : No directory specified for PsTools installation. Click here to correct.
12:09:08 PM
12:09:08 PM
12:09:08 PMExit with return code: 11 (VALIDATIONERROR)
12:09:08 PM
12:09:08 PMFinalBuilder action failed with exit code 11.
12:09:08 PMAgent To Server Workspace Sync
12:09:08 PMStarted syncing files from the agent to the server.
12:09:08 PMFinished syncing files from the agent to the server.
12:09:09 PMArtifacts Registration
12:09:09 PMStarted registering artifacts
12:09:09 PMFinished registering artifacts
This suggests FinalBuilder wasn’t able to read the settings from the C:\ProgramData\VSoft\FinalBuilder8.ini file. Which user does the agent run under? Do you have more than one agent? If so make sure it’s set by running up finalbuilder on all agents.
Also, on all agents, make sure the continua ci agent user has access to the finalbuilder ini file.
Hi Vincent,
We found the problem. One of our build machines had a configuration issue. The problem only occurred when a build ran on that machine. All fixed now.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for letting us know. Are you able to share the actual configuration issue, would be useful for future reference for us and other users?