JCL Debug Info

Hi FB gurus

I am using FB7 with Delphi XE6. Is it possible to compile/link in the JCL Debug info into a project with my FB script?
I am not sure how it happens in the IDE but wondering if anyone has done so with FB.


Just got a hit searching for JCL so I will look at using MakeJclDbg

Once you know about makejcldbg.exe (command line utility to add the map file to the executable) you can run an execute action to run it after compiling the project in your FB script.

Hi Tony

Thanks for sharing. I guess we should add an action for this, will add it to the todo list.

We call MakeJclDbg directly but I at one point I did make and action, and placed it in the user contrib section.   The reason we dropped it was they silently would disappear if a developer failed to install them on their machine.    Feel free to take this if you want to place it directly in the product.

Under “JCL Debug Information”

Hi Robert

Thanks, we will add it to the install, might look at refactoring it slightly first though (I think it was written before we have the execute program style action in action studio).