I have buttons on a dialog window that I need to click, but every time FinalBuilder gets to the Left Click action it tells me that the button is not clickable at the specified point. Why is it not clickable, and how is this fixed?
The process is found and the control is received, but the Left Click action fails.
If I use the Move Mouse action, it finds the button and centers the cursor on the control, so I know I have the target defined correctly. Why then does the click fail? I have tried each of the three “Click at Point” settings, but none of them work.
The actual build log is as follows:
Finding process [process name]
Evaluating description to find control…
Retrieved control: Window Handle 2688704, Window Class Button, "[button caption]"
Clicking centre of control…
Click failed:
Control Window Handle 2688704, Window Class Button, “[button caption]” is not clickable at point (331, 338) client of Windows Handle 1443596, Window Class #32770, “[dialog window title]”
Hi Stevenhintz,
Sadly some controls are custom and don’t allow the windows automation/usability interaction. The control seems to be detectable, however doesn’t offer a click event. The way the interaction works is by getting a handle to the control and calling the click event directly from memory.
Sometimes the action does occur too quickly, so potentially placing a small delay before the call might allow the click to succeed.