Macro Expansion on access failing when project included in another

I have a project that was running fine on its own, but was failing when run as a subproject (Include Project from another project).

Here are some details to help you replicate and repair it.

The macro-expanded variable was defined in an Action Group, on a second level Action List. The macro expansion was working against a PropertySet defined/loaded in Main Action List. The macro was accessed two nested Action Groups below its definition.

The error given is:
Included project reported a failure
Error Action : Text Replace [ $MAJOR_MINOR_BUILD$… ] with [ %Major_Minor_Build%… ] in [ UpdateInstallShieldProjectViaFinalBuilder.vbs ]
Errors : An internal error occured parsing the input string : Could not expand replacement string: Variable : VersionInfo_DotNet.MajorVersion - does not exist!

I was able to resolve this by disabling macro expansion on access since it really wasn’t needed in my case.

During debugging, I was using MessageBox to display the same thing. It gave a blank MessageBox, but did not log an access error in the log.

This was not Windows 7 as I stated. It’s Windows Server 2008 R2 x64.

I’m not able to reproduce this here, are you able to provide an example project that shows the problem? If so please send it to and we’ll take a look.

I’ll see if I can pare down the projects and reproduce it. It might be a few days.