Hi there,
I've got some stuff about the "Manifest generation" action. I'm using it to create an application-manifest and a deployment-manifest for a ClickOnce enabled application. From my experience I've written the below, but if I'm mistaken at any point, please feel free to say so. I'm not all-knowing, as no-one is. At least not on this earth! ;-)
Creating application manifests
This works as expected, although I cannot add additional parameters to mage.exe. For example my application uses an icon, which should be in the application manifest. Could you add some "Additional mage.exe parameters" textbox or anything?
Creating deployment manifests
When deploying files on a webserver with the .dll or .config extension, IIS disallows users to download these files. You should rename theseĀ and add the .deploy extension to all files (not the manifests) and add the mapFileExtensions attribute to the "deployment" element in the deployment manifest. I have to do this by hand. Would be nice to have it by default or have it as an option.
Adding publisher information isn't available. So when a project is named "My Project" both the project name and the publisher name go by that name. Same problem as with icon file with application manifests.
Once the deployment manifest is created, you should update the manifest. Else the first-time ClickOnce installed application will think you're installing another application with the same application key. So instead of regenerating the deployment manifest, you should update it. For some reason, this isn't working with your action.
For above mentioned reasons, I'm not using the FinalBuilder Manifest actions and that's a real shame as they have a lot of potential. It's much easier to use those than to understand how mage.exe works. Again, feel free to comment me if I have something wrong, I'm still learning FinalBuilder, and it's one of my most favorite tools.