Map/HashTable variable

Is it possible to create a hash table variable in Continua ?
I would want to store last scanned hashes of branches, so that they do not repeat the process if already done.

Hi Michal,

No, we don’t have any map or hash table variables. There may however be another way to achieve your aims. Can you elaborate on your scenario and the issue that you are trying to solve?

We do periodic scan of code with SonarQube on multiple branches.
If a certain hash was already scanned, we want to skip it as it’s very time consuming.

What is the hash generated from: the code or the branches, or something else?

We don’t have an ideal solution for this. You could append each hash to the end of a text variable, and then use a Contains operator in an If action to test is the hash is in the variable there before running the action to execute SonarCube. The variable value can contain up to 10,485,760 characters. This will however start to get much less efficient as more hashes get appended.

Alternatively, you could use the FinalBuilder database actions, or a PowerShell script to add the hash to a database table and query it.

Those are hashes from git.
I need to store pair: branch_name, last_scanned_hash