More parameter references in action descrptions

This is a general request for more actions to include their key parameters in their descrptions. The actions that do this are great, like “Case”, “If”, “Create Zip File” or “Set Variable”, which let you understand what the action is doing it without having to open it.

Some that don’t:
* Check if file exists
* Move directory
* String substring
* Copy file(s) (destination would be useful)
* Write to text file
* Create text file


keep the list coming… and when we do some work on auto descriptions we’ll have a nice reference to work from :slight_smile:

Oh, don't tempt me.

Actually I'd really like a much better descrption for 'If file exists" depending on the parameters:

Make sure file [ ... ] exists

Make sure file [ ... ] does not exist

If file [ ... ] exists then

If file [ ... ] does not exist then

Come to think of it, I wish this action worked like a regular "If", rather than having to make it "fail", then using "If prev action failed" to handle the cases of it existing and not existing.


Some more:

* List iterator (perhaps a description like "List iterator [ file1.txt... (30 items) ]

* File contents iterator [ filename.txt ]

* Get DateTime to variable [ Var ]

* Pretty much all the string manipulation actions

* Prompt for variables (Enhanced) - rename it for a start :), perhaps the caption in [ ]

* Ask Question

* Transform XML
* Touch file (consider renaming to "Set file timestamp" - touch normally means using the current time, doesn't it?)

And speaking of names, make the names of the MS compiler actions more consistent: "Microsoft C# Compiler" vs "Build VS.Net Solution" - ugh.


re: "I wish this action worked like a regular If"

Yes, it can…

If Action
Do true steps
Else Action
Do false steps

“If” works like a normal if, but “If file exists” doesn’t work like a normal if. That is, the following code is invalid:

“If file exists” action
Do true steps
"Else" action
Do false steps

The error message is a little violent: "Error : Previous Sibling Action must be an “If Then” Action, or the Parent Action must be a Switch Action!"


ah, yes, you’re right. added it to the todo list.