MSBuild under VS6 builds VBP fine, FB8 - same build fails

I am trying to get a VB6 (yes, I know it’s old - inherited process) project to build under FB8 ( yet it keeps failing. The exact same project builds as expected under Visual Basic 6.0 (6.0.8169, version 8176). I am using Windows 7 Pro (6.1.7601 SP 1 Build 7601). FB8 is not giving me any error message, just the compiler parameters it used:

/m C:\Builds\5\ProjectName\Temp-ProjectName.vbp /out C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\fbpE951.tmp /outdir "C:\Builds\5\Compiled Components"

I am exporting the log information to an external log, yet this error information never gets entered.

Settings: Compile to native code; no optimization; project compatibility

Any help would definitely be appreciated - even though this is extremely elderly code. Thanks…


I just diff’d the source code for the VB action between FB7 and FB8 and there are no significant differences (only minor type name changes etc).

The /out parameter tells the compiler to write any messages to a file (because the vb6 compiler doesn’t write to stdout) and we load that file and write the contents to the finalbuilder log.

There are a couple of things to try.

The action generates a copy of the .vbp file (hence the Temp-ProjectName.vbp on the command line). There is an option to keep the generated vbp file (on by default). Make sure it’s on and run the project, then diff the original .vbp file and generated one,see what is changed.

Also, try running the compiler from the command line using the same parameters and then see if the output file contains anything. Try running it with the original vbp file, if that works then the trick would be to see what changes in the generated vbp are causing it to fail.

It’s a long time since I have looked at VB6, but I do remember it was a real pain to work with, because often it just didn’t write anything out, and sometimes it put up message boxes or just plain hung.