MSBuild very slow

From Finalbuilder when execute a rebuild with msbuild the task is very very slow.
From VS 2022 about 2 minutes with Finalbuilder about 40 minutes.
I suppose that this mistake is become when i update to the last minor version of Finalbuider.
Any idea?

There are 2 possible explainations

  1. Logging - check the Log detail level on the Build tab. Also, running with live logging turned on and a high log level can really slow things down.

  2. Antivirus software scanning log files - although this usually results in an error when FB cannot write to the log file.

Thanks for the answer but i have already disabled log and antivirus.
I saw that if i start the compilation from VS 2022 there are 8 processes of MSBUILD.exe, meanwhile if i start from FB8 with the Task for compilation VS Solution this start only 4 processes of MSBUILD.exe.
It’s possible to configure how much processes use for compile the solution?
From VS 90 seconds from FB8 1200 seconds (:-

On the MSBuild tab of the action properties dialog, add -m to the “Extra MSBuild parameters” field

-m tells msbuild to use all cores available