Windows Server 2012 R2
We are updating our build from FB7 to FB8. It seems that FBCmd.exe doesn’t support MSBUILDMODE option anymore and I don’t see a way how to remove that option. To my understanding the command line is generated by FinalBuilder.MSBuild.Tasks which adds this option. The command like looks like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalBuilder 8\FBCmd.exe -v:"…" -nb -MSBUILDMODE E:\14\Sources\BusinessSolutions\TeamBuildTypes\FinalBuilder\Cloud\Components\CSBuild\BuildScript.fbp8
Am I missing something?
Hi Markus,
It seems the incorrect parameter is being sent to trigger the MSBuild logger inside FinalBuilder. I have corrected this issue and you should see logging working again.
This helps, thanks. Will the change be there in the future builds?
Hi Markus,
This change has been merged into the main code line and will be in the next major FinalBuilder release.