MSN Messenger acting weird?

I'm trying out the MSN Messenger action with a build process that informs me when it's done with 1 interation.

But it seems like the first time it tries to send, it gets an error trying to connect. If I run the action again, it connects with no problems and says it sended the messenger, but the messenge never arrives. The third time I run the action, it also connects and says the messenge was sent and it was, I recieve the messenge. If I then wait some time, like a few minutes and try again, then I'm back to step two where it connects but I never recieve the messege, but works right after again.

So it's like the more idle the action is, the less it works

I've tried from 2 difference ISPs / networks also and it's the same problem.

Does anyone have the same problem or a solution to it?

Hi Michael,

Which version of Automise are you running? We’ve recently updated the messenger action to use an updated MSN library, you can download the latest build from:



I’m using the newest version of Automise, it’s At least I think it is? It says there are no updates available.