MSSQL Execute SQL - Unicode capable?

Hi all,

i use the MSSQL Exectute SQL action to retrieve translations for our setups.

The langauages used are, German, English and Japanese. I use a query and output the result to a file (Log behaves the same) and all japanese characters are replaced by “?”. Also the file encoding is set to ANSI (explaining the ?).

I tried using the Create Text file Action to create a UTF-8 file, this works, but the SQL Actions overwrites this.

Is there anything i can do?


The documentation of sqlcmd states it is possible to use -u for unicode output, can i specify this somewhere in the action?

Ok i now help myself with writing the query to a textfile and using the “Execute Program” action to run sqlcmd.exe with the additional parameter -u (needs to be defined in addtion to -o for the output file)

So i get what i want, but now i have a different problem, on my development machine sqlcmd.exe is in a path A, while on the build server ist is in path B.

Can i read the configured path from finalbuilder?


Got it!

FinalBuilder8.ini in %programdata%\VSoft\FinalBuilder8

Apologies for the slow response, been dealing with server issues today (bios upgrades broke our hyper-v cluster).

I will add an option for the unicode output file for the next update.

I will add an option for the unicode output file for the next update.

Cool, Thanks!

Hi, where is this options for manage unicode?

It’s on the output tab under the output file name field.