MSTest Code Coverage

What is the plan for supporting failing the build if MSTest unit test code coverage does not meet a coverage level?

Hi Garth,

Looking at this quickly it shouldn’t be hard to add at all. I will look into it today. I can’t give a firm ETA as of yet. Currently the timeline is looking like I can have something to you either by close of business today, or at the latest early next week. I will keep you posted.

Hi Garth,

So it appears that this isn’t as simple as I first thought. The generated coverage file is a visual studio binary file which will require parsing to get the values out we require.

To achieve the desired failure result for the action will take some work. Currently we don’t have the resources to dedicate to this at this present point in time. I have raised an issue into our issue tracker which will go into the mix for the next set of actions to be written. Sadly at this time I can’t give you an ETA as to when this will occur.

Apologies that I can’t be of more assistance at this time.