Is there a possibility for build status message to be multiline ?
I mean logging @@continua[setBuildStatus value=‘my multiline message’]
I tried \n and <br> but it seems it does not work (stops showing at all).
Is there a possibility for build status message to be multiline ?
I mean logging @@continua[setBuildStatus value=‘my multiline message’]
I tried \n and <br> but it seems it does not work (stops showing at all).
Hi Michal,
The correct character is \n
and this will work for log messages. e.g. @echo @@continua[message status='information' value='this is a multi-line\nmessage' ]
. However, the build status is currently only showing the first line when the status is set by an action. We’ll correct this for the next version - which should be out in the next couple of days.
A fix for this issue has been included in v1.9.2.895.
Hi, I installer the new version.
Does the new line character needs to be escaped ?
I have something like this:
@@continua[setBuildStatus value='Progress: 3/441
1: 100% testCase1
2: 100% testCase2
5: 0% testCase3
7: 0% testCase4']
And it seems to not display at all.
Yes, as \n
. The command must be output as one line. e.g.
@@continua[setBuildStatus value='Progress: 3/441\nRunning(4):\n1: 100% testCase1\n2: 100% testCase2\n5: 0% testCase3\n7: 0% testCase4']
works like a charm
OK, one more question.
I run also a powershell script, which prints out:
Running: C:\CI_AWS\Ws\211240\IBISPlus\Ecu\Bin\Release\Win32\UT_Acoustic.exe\nProgress: 1/126
But the \n is just printed in the build status, the break is not happening as in python od dll console output.
Any idea why ?
Hmm, seems I don’t need to escape in Powershell…
Hi Michal,
The newline needs to be output as \n
to the console.
So, in PowerShell, you would write:
Write-Host "@@continua[setBuildStatus value='this is a multi-line\nstatus']";
In a batch file, you would write:
@echo @@continua[setBuildStatus value='this is a multi-line\nstatus']
In a C# console app you would write:
Console.WriteLine("@@continua[setBuildStatus value='this is a multi-line\\nstatus']");
In a Delphi app you would write:
writeln('@@continua[setBuildStatus value=''this is a multi-line\nstatus'']');