Namespaces Prefixes


I’m working with FinalBuilder for some time. We used Delphi 2007 to build our projects. We migrated last year to XE2 and we are making some improvements to our software.

We have created some Helpers units, on Delphi IDE Xe we can define the namespaces in the “Project” / “Options” / “Delphi Compiler” / “Unit Scope Names”.

On the Delphi IDE, I can compile without errors, but when I try to compile on FinalBuilder it returns error saying not found my units.

I found a setting in FinalBuilder “Namespace Prefixes” and “Default Namespace”  directly in action Build Delphi,  but even adding the information it not compiles. When I come back in the same tab the information was deleted.

That way I do not know if this FinalBuilder even using my namespaces to compile or deleting this prior to compilation.

I found nothing similar in the Forum.

I can adjust this?

Thank you!

Hi Ede,

If your finding the namespace prefixes are blank make sure you have selected the framework type. This will add the default namespace prefixes, to which you can add any specific ones namespaces for your project.

Also you should make sure your compiler version is set to Delphi XE2 and platform is set correctly. These also affect the namespace prefixes added by default.

Let us know how this goes for you.

Hello Jason.

Thanks for the feedback.!

I have correctly configured the compiler to XE2. It was working correctly until I add my namespaces, ie, I could compile my project.
I realized that selecting the Framework “VCL” are added some default namespaces. In this same field I add my namespaces, but does not compile and just deleting the ones I just added.

Sorry my English!


I’m not able to reproduce this here, what build of FinalBuilder 7 are you using?

Hi Vincent

My FinalBuilder Version is

I fixed the “problem”!
In the Delphi IDE Project / Options tab in Delphi Compiler has the configuration Unit Scope Names.
I had added my namespaces directly there. But expanding the guide I realized there were other settings. Settings such as the Final Builder uses as default.
I removed my namespaces there and put below in “Value from All Configuration”, along with those that already existed.
When I opened the project in FinalBuilder, tried to compile again and it worked that way.
FinalBuilder apparently did not seek the configuration directly from Unit Scope Names, but their “children.”

I appreciate the help!


Glad to hear its all sorted.