New projects are saved with wrong extension and format


When I try to save new projects as either compressed or uncompressed, they get an extension and a storage format that seems to be random. I have tried for a few minutes to discover what happens, but have not been able to reproduce any behavior consistently. I believe I have gotten the wrong file extension (fbp/fbz) and/or the wrong format (compressed/uncompressed) while testing. I have sometimes written the file name without extension, and sometimes with extension, and believe FB can produce the wrong result in both of these cases.

This whole thing started when I wanted to save my project as uncompressed, and it got an .fbz as extension on disk. Rather than being able to reproduce the behavior, I just got more confused. I don’t have time to test more.

I also have another complaint: FinalBuilder should go to the same folder as the first project was saved in when I try to save a second project. Instead it goes to some default folder.

What I expect of such dialogs:

If I change file type in the dialog, then change the extension in the file name in the dialog, if there is an explicit extension.

When saving:

If I didn’t type an extension, then append the extension given by the type selected, and save in the format given by the type selected.

If I typed an extension .fbp or .fbz, then ignore the type selected, append this extension, save in the format given by this extension.

If I typed another non-standard extension, use that extension, but save in the format given by the type selected.

If I typed a dot at the end, that means save without extension. Silly, but common way to do it. Save in the format given by the type selected.