New Version of SVN Required

We've upgraded our SVN client on our build machine to TortoiseSVN 1.7.7   (This has simplified the ".svn" directories, basically storing all version information at the root directory rather than scattered throughout the project sub directories.)

However Final Builder is still using the old SVN client libraries so when we do a FB / SVN Check Out it recreates all the old svn files and forces us to do a Tortoise "SVN Upgrade working copy" if we want to work interactively with Tortoise on the code.

When is the SVN integration going to be updated, or is there a way we can just upgrade the SVN libraries.

FinalBuilder supports the new version right now, you just need to point it at the new svn.exe in the FinalBuilder options. We call the svn command line tool, we do not use the client libraries.

Thx, now working as required :slight_smile: