I have uploaded a build with new VSTS Work Item Actions. These actions will work with TFS2017 or later, or VSO. They support Personal Access Token Authentication (no other auth schemes are supported), These actions use the rest api (apiversion 3.0). They mirror the older TFS Work Item actions in functionality, however there were some features that were not available or achievable with the rest api, so there are some minor differences.
The Query, Create and Edit actions are reasonably solid, however the Copy action is somewhat flakey, I'm still trying to figure out why. The biggest issue is the rest api's error reporting is pretty crappy, when things go wrong you get a 400 (bad request) response, but zero info on what exactly is bad about the request. The rest api does not have a copy/clone work item end point, wo we get the work item, change some fields and then use that to create a new one. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... grrrrr.
Anyway, these are still very much BETA qualilty, I spent most of today testing them, but only against TFS2017 so you may encounter issues, if you do reply here or email support. I will pin this topic for now and update the download link above with newer builds as they become available.
Posted By Vincent Parrett on 08 Jun 2018 06:24 AM I made a typo so the package didn't get added to the installer (not to self, need to make that bit easier). Building again now.
Glad to hear even the building experts are human! ;-)
Yep, never do something at 6.30pm on a Friday!! Too much of a rush. link updated to FB800_2424.exe (and I installed it this time to make sure the actions were there!).
Ok, will test with TFS2018 tomorrow, need to re-install it as our test vm is having issues (might be a server issue, planning to re-install the host os this week).
Unfortunately not yet, we're having problems with our hyper-v host that has the tfs vm on, looks like we need to re-install hyyper-v server, so will need to wait till the weekend for the downtime as it's hosting other machines that are in constant use. I'll look at adding some debug output to the actions tomorrow so I can see extactly what is happening, as the uri too long issue is rather strange (the uri's are not too long!).
Do you have a proxy between you and the tfs server?
I finally managed to get TFS2018 (update 2) up and running and test the new actions with it, and I'm please to say worked first time!
This is the output from the query action (specifying an id) :
Using credentials from Action. Querying for work items... Selecting Work Item ID 1 Querying resource : http://tfs2018:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/workitems/1?api-version=3.0 Found 1 work item(s) Id 1 (Make it work) ****************************** System.AreaPath=TestProject System.TeamProject=TestProject System.IterationPath=TestProject\Iteration 1 System.WorkItemType=Task System.State=New System.Reason=New System.CreatedDate=06/19/2018 00:45:44 System.CreatedBy=Vincent E. Parrett System.ChangedDate=06/19/2018 00:45:44 System.ChangedBy=Vincent E. Parrett System.Title=Make it work Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate=06/19/2018 00:45:44 Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority=1 System.Description=Make it work with FinalBuilder ******************************
I'm in the process of adding more debug logging, so hopefully we can see what is going on.
My VSTS server is set to : http://tfs2018:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
If your collection is different then you need to specify that in the server field, you can just copy that part from the browser interface.
[code]Using credentials from Options.Querying for work items…Work item query : SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemsQuerying resource : http://<server>:8080/tfs/defaultcollection/<project>/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=3.0Error executing request : Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long.[/code]