I'm in the process of updating my FinalBuilder 7 scripts to support XE2 64-bit builds and hitting some problems with my BeforeAction scripts.
The following works in FinalBuilder 7 for Delphi 009 and earlier:
Dim DelphiOptions
DelphiOptions = GetOptionsObject("Borland Delphi")
If Action.CompilerVersion = 4 Then
Action.LibraryPath = Replace(DelphiOptions.D7LibraryPath, "..\..\Newlook\", "..\Newlook\", 1, -1, 1)
ElseIf Action.CompilerVersion = 11 Then
Action.LibraryPath = Replace(DelphiOptions.D2006LibraryPath, "..\..\Newlook\", "..\Newlook\", 1, -1, 1)
ElseIf Action.CompilerVersion = 13 Then
Action.LibraryPath = Replace(DelphiOptions.D2009LibraryPath, "..\..\Newlook\", "..\Newlook\", 1, -1, 1)
ElseIf Action.CompilerVersion = 16 Then
Action.LibraryPath = Replace(DelphiOptions.DXE2LibraryPath64, "..\..\Newlook\", "..\Newlook\", 1, -1, 1)
End If
I guessed the name for the XE2 64 Library Path since I can't find them documented anywhere and the autocomplete doesn't list them.
Actually, the autocomplete doesn't list D2006LibraryPath or D2009LibraryPath either even though they work.
What are the options object property names for the 32-bit and 64-bit XE2 library paths?