Osql/sqlcmd Problem

Hi + tx for support!
I added an MSSQLExecute SQL Action that reads a SQL stamtemnet from a file and writes the output to another file. This works ok with osql. However, when I check the “unicode” output, I get

Microsoft (R) SQL Server Command Line Tool
Version 16.0 NT
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Note: osql does not support all features of SQL Server 2022.
Use sqlcmd instead. See SQL Server Books Online for details.

usage: osql              [-U login id]          [-P password]
  [-S server]            [-H hostname]          [-E trusted connection]
  [-d use database name] [-l login timeout]     [-t query timeout]
  [-h headers]           [-s colseparator]      [-w columnwidth]
  [-a packetsize]        [-e echo input]        [-I Enable Quoted Identifiers]
  [-L list servers]      [-c cmdend]            [-D ODBC DSN name]
  [-q "cmdline query"]   [-Q "cmdline query" and exit]
  [-n remove numbering]  [-m errorlevel]
  [-r msgs to stderr]    [-V severitylevel]
  [-i inputfile]         [-o outputfile]
  [-p print statistics]  [-b On error batch abort]
  [-X[1] disable commands [and exit with warning]]
  [-O use Old ISQL behavior disables the following]
      <EOF> batch processing
      Auto console width scaling
      Wide messages
      default errorlevel is -1 vs 1
  [-? show syntax summary]
Execute failed, return code: 1

If i use sqlcmd as client I get:
Sqlcmd: 'C:\SHARE\SIGNAGE\Deploy\SQL\xyz.sql': Unexpected argument. Enter '-?' for help.
where xyz.sql is the outputfile.

Maybe I should add, that this is with SQL2022.

osql and isql are deprecated, so sqlcmd is the tool to use.

I can reproduce the unicode issue, looking into it

This build has a fix for sqlcmd and the unicode option


Thank you for your immediate support! I appreciate that.