Persistent user variables


I have a Parent project with a persistent user variable (PUV). PUV varTFSSolutionRootFolder gets assigned in Parent and holds the TFS solution path.

Parent project includes Child project that tries to use PUV but it is blank.

Can persistent user variables be used in child projects?


Hi Dave,

Is the included project action sharing the namespace with the child project?

Hi Jason,

"Share Host project Variables NameSpace" is currently unchecked.


Hi David,

To share the values between a project and one it includes the option “Share Host project Variables NameSpace” needs to be turned on. Either this or the variable values need to be passed as parameters.

If the child project lives in the same namespace as the parent, and nothing adverse will occur if all its variable values are updated by the parent. Use the “Share Host project Variables NameSpace”. Otherwise pass the variables that are required to the included project.