Possible to run msbuild with Automise?


Is it possible to run msbuild.exe with Automise in such a way that the action will fail if msbuild has an error?

If not, how to get the msbuild output into the automise log?

I tried a Shell Execute action. It runs the msbuild but does not give any feedback if it succeeded or not, and does not provide any log.

Rael Bauer

Hi Rael,

Automise is packaged with a set of tools meant for automating systems administration tasks. If your looking to build software we have packaged actions to suit those needs in FinalBuilder.

MSBuild reports a number of things to the console, and can have a custom logger attached to gain better metrics on the build. This is the reason we offer a specialised action package.

From memory however msbuild simply writes to the console, and will return a non-zero result when there is an error. I would suggest using the Execute Program action instead if you want to call msbuild directly.