Problem executing finalbuilder 6 project with parameters from command line

Hi All,

I am trying to execute my finalbuilder project from command line using the following command

C:\Program Files(x86)\FinalBuilder 6>FBCMD.exe/VversionNumber=3/P"C:\Users\tim\Desktop\Importer FinalBuilder.fbp6"

 and when I run this command I get this message.

Exit with return code: 2

Error! Project file not specified.


I am not sure what I am doing wrong as I am already passing the project file following '/P' in the command.


Please could someone help me resolve it?




you are missing a space between the 3 and /

cool,thanks for that.

I tried to rerun the command with space included and I now get this error

.Net framework version you are trying to use is not installed.change the version in the action properties or the default in FinalBuilder options.

I have changed the default .Net framework version for FinalBuilder to 4.0 by navigating to Tools->options and restarted FinalBuilder and checked the version set to v4.0.Then I ran the project from command line,but I still get the error.When I recheck the version number its been set to v3.5 again. I am not sure why finalbuilder is not saving the version information once I change it.Also my project builds fine when I run it from FinalBuilder6 UI instead of command line.

So I wonder if I need to update anything else.



This sounds like a bug that was fixed, make sure you have the latest FB6 version.

yes,I got FinalBuilder on my machine.But when I run from comandline i still refer to it as FinalBuilder 6 .Not sure if that is right.