Problem with Foxit Reader

I’m using the Foxit Print PDF action. Since the the version I’m getting the error:

Error Executing script : GetExecutablePath
Laufzeitfehler in Microsoft JScript
‘Properties’ ist Null oder kein Objekt
Line: 5
Char : 1
GetExecutablePath failed.

It happens in the IDE and at runtime.

Thanks for the report, this build should fix the problem :

Hi Vincent,

the build 1983 does work.



Hi, Roman.
I am testing the related PDF tools online these days and I want to find one whose way of processing is simple and fast. I noticed that you have posted some topic on that. So do you have any suggestions? As for myself, I used to process PDF files with the help of another PDF SDK, and following its tutorial using C#.NET. It is just one of many but I do appreciate its simple way of processing. Even though I only tried its free trial package to generate barcodes and didn′t check the cost and licensing conditions, it works great for me. But I want to find more fine SDKs. Any idea will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,