We have a TFS build that uses the FinalBuilder XAML template and farms out to FinalBuilder for a portion. Generally works great.
I am trying to pass a parameter from the TFS bulid definition into the FInalBuilder script. The problem is that the project variable on the FB side is not getting set with the correct value and maintains the default. Not sure what the issue is. I am using FB v7.0.0.3319.
1. Create a project variant variable in the “Team Build” section called “Branch”. Set the default value to “Main”.
2. Bring up the details of the “Get Team Foundation Build Parameters” action. Associate Custom Argument 1" to the “Branch” variable. Save and check-in the fbp7 file.
3. Use %Branch% in the relevant places in the FB project.
4. Set the TFS build definition custom arguments field to something like “ChildBranch”. Save the build definition.
5. The build executes but the Branch variable is always set to “Main” and not “ChildBranch” like I would have expected.
From the TFS build log:
Build Agent Working Directory : D:\Builds\2\CI\root
(saved to variable BuildRoot)
Custom Argument 1 : ChildBranch
Custom Argument 2 :
[Set File Attributes [D:\Builds\2\CI\root\src<strong>Main\blah\blah.txt - ReadOnly:Clear]]
The “Main” in the path above should be “ChildBranch”, but FB used the default, “Main”.
Any idea what the issue is? The value is passed from TFS as expected but is not being assigned to the %Branch% variable by FB.