Problems getting 'ErrorAndWarningLogMessages' into notifications

I try to get the error messages when my build failed into a XMPP-notification. I added following lines to my Build-failed notification:

{% for errormsg in ErrorAndWarningLogMessages %}{%if errormsg.type = ‘error’%}
{{errormsg.Text}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}

But with this statement I have two problems. First when I try to save it I get following error:

The notification template is invalid:
Object ‘Debug’ is invalid because it is neither a built-in type nor implements ILiquidizable
Object ‘Success’ is invalid because it is neither a built-in type nor implements ILiquidizable
Object ‘Information’ is invalid because it is neither a built-in type nor implements ILiquidizable.

Second problem comes when I remove the if-statement and save it. It could be saved but I get no build-failed notifications anymore.
Is this a problem from Continua or did I made something wrong?

Hi Albrecht,

Thank you for reporting this. We can confirm this is a bug - the template engine doesn’t like the enums in the model that we are giving it.

I have uploaded a hotfix which you can download using the following links:

Note that there are also some errors in your template. The if statement should be written as {%if errormsg.type == 'Error' %} - notice the double equals sign and the capitalisation (I’ll need to correct the capitalisation in the Available Variables text too).

As for the second problem where you stopped getting notifications after removing the statement, can you check if there are any errors on the Event Log page in the Administration section which would indicate the reason for this?

Hi Dave,
thanks for the Bugfix. I tested it right now. Now the filtering for the error-messages works. And the other problem that no notifications are send didn’t occurs anymore.
But now i have the problem that I get the error messages two times. So when i have a set of four errors i get the first set of errors and after it I get the complete set of errors a second time.

Hi Albrecht,

The ErrorAndWarningLogMessages list includes the log messages list under Latest Errors in the build log and this is why you are seeing duplicate. We’ve excluded these log messages for the next version which we plan to release tomorrow.

Hi Albrecht,

Version contains an update to remove the duplicate log messages