1. Continua version number and edition:
v1.6.0.234 64 bit
2. Operating system for Continua and agents:
Windows 7 64 bits - 1 Agent on same machine as server
3. Database platform:
bundled PostgreSQL
4. How much CPU / RAM / Diskspace do you have free on the Continua server, agents, and database:
eg. 50% free cpu, 90% free RAM (10gig), 10% free hard disk (10 gig)
5. A detailed description of the issue:
Something weird started happening 2 weeks ago, we were thinking it was our browsers fault however it appears the problem occurs in ever browser: Chrome, Safari, IE, etc. when we are viewing our projects builds status the page shows everything normal for a second and then updates itself to an outdated view. You can see the wrong behavior in:
We’ve not seen this one before. It seems like something is going wrong while accessing or updating the build cache. Are there any errors in the server Event Log? Is this happening all the time or intermittently?
To troubleshoot further, please install an updated build using the following links:
Continua CI (64-bit) v1.6.0.247.
Continua CI Agent Installer (64-bit) v1.6.0.247
This includes extra debug logging in the code which gets the information for the tile view. Once installed enable debug logging on the server and restart the service. Access the tile view page and check that the issue still occurs before sending the debug log to support@finalbuilder.com
Thanks, just updated to the latest version. I’ll check if the problem persists.
Hi Dave, the problem persists with the version you sent me. Here’s the video: http://d.pr/v/1iT9t
And the log that corresponds to the video:
I am going to update to the latest version and see if the problem persists.
Update: The problem persists in
Thank you for sending the debug log. It appears that the server is generating the correct data, but the web browser is using a cached version of the response from the server.
We have specified a maximum cache age of zero in the response from the Continua server which should prevent the web browser from caching the response. Is it possible that the browser requests are being cached on a proxy server? I understand that proxy servers may ignore the maximum cache age and cache anyway.
Can you look at the “updatetiles” request using the browser developer tools, e.g. the Network tab when using Chrome, and send us details of the response headers. Cache-control should be “public, max-age=0” and Expires should be the same as the Date.
I have uploaded a new version which sends Cache-control: no-cache, no-store in the response headers. You can download using the following links:
Continua CI (64-bit) v1.6.0.256.
Continua CI Agent Installer (64-bit) v1.6.0.256
Please install this and let us know if it fixes the problem. If not, then can you send details of the new response headers for the “updatetiles” request or save a HAR of the log entries by right-clicking on the request in Chrome. Send this to support@finalbuilder.com.
Thanks Dave, it appears the problem is fixed in I’ll keep you posted.