Project Load failed when using tab character as delimiter for "CSV Field Iterator"

FinalBuilder Version, Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit.

For the delimiter for the “CSV Field Iterator” you can’t type a tab character but you can paste one in.  This used to work in FinalBuilder 7 and one of my scripts relies on this.  When I do it in 8 and save the file, it can’t be reopened.  If I edit the file with a text editor and put quotes around the tab the project will open and it seems as expected, though I haven’t tested it yet.  Regardless, FinalBuilder shouldn’t be writing an invalid file.

I tested the modified project with quotes added and it seems to work as it did before.  This is a cumbersome workaround to have to edit the project file with a text editor after every save from FinalBuilder.  Any word on this issue, will it be fixed?  I have multiple scripts with CSV actions using tabs as separators.