This is my first day using Automise, or Final Builder as everyone seems to be calling it. So maybe I’m missing something simple.
I’m noticing different results when I run my very simple project. For example, in one project I am typing a few words into notepad. When I run, it sometimes it works. But sometimes it (1) fails or (2) mistypes the words (for example, adds extra characters or misses characters).
It might be my imagination, but it seems like if I wait long enough between runs, it works better? Is this a timing issue?
I’ve attached screenshot of my project, since the forum won’t let me upload my project itself.
GUI automated is not a strong suite in Automise, it’s intended for use to do things like dismiss message boxes etc. That said, I was not able to reproduce the problem here, I can get it to work every time with Notepad. One thing to look out for when selecting the target window, is if there are more than one instances of a process running (ie notepad), the target Number field (under the process name field) may be set to 2 or higher. If that happens, it would probably not find your newly launched process.
If GUI automation is your primary reason for using Automise, you might be better served with something like autohotkey.
Thanks for the response. The GUI stuff seems easier to learn on, that’s why I’m testing it.