“PropertySet define” doesn’t show “Properties to Include” for “.NET Assembly Numbers”.
In fact all three “Numbers” alternatives show a blank list.
FinalBuilder version and version (latest)
Windows 7 Enterprise, Service Pack 1.
Perhaps this bug is related to the one I reported a few minutes ago, about AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion in files AssemblyInfo.fs being corrupted by compilation.
Hi Bent,
The PropertySet Define action uses the version numbers defined by each of the types. These all are required to be filled in and don’t provide access to any other properties. For this reason no properties are shown, but you can only set the version numbers with these three types.
For access to the other properties using the info types is required.
Ok, thanks for the info. The online help for this action and for “PropertySet load from INI file” isn’t that good, and it took some time to figure out how things actually work. It’s a simple thing allright, but the devil is in the details. The latter also doesn’t log much about what happens. But these are minor complaints, and I know what to do now.