I try to use the PSexec action under the group PsTools.
I want tu use the -i parameter on the Process Options Tab, but i Can’t specify the session ID number just after the -i paramater.
“Program interacts with remote computer’s desktop screen (-i)”
This cause PSEXEC not to work properly
The PSexec help show that the -i parameter may need a session id number
PSexec [-i [Session ID]]
BY default -i alone generate the error.
How can we add the Session number to be just after the -i parameter ?
Here is a working example of PSExec with a number after -i :
psexec \MyServer -u MyDomain\MyUserName -p “PASSWORD” -i 0 cmd /c dir
Log of Automise :
Command line : psexec \MyServer -u MyDomain\MyUserName -p “PASSWORD” -i cmd /c dir
PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotely
PsExec could not start cmd on bd-dev6:
Return code : 87
Action Failed.