Python execute condition

Hi All,

Can anyone point me in the direction of how to write a python script for the execute condtion?

I have seen the fb6 project for writing a normal script. E.g. how would i use a python script in the execute condition.






It’s just a boolean expression, for example :


Posted By Vincent Parrett on 12 Jan 2012 09:21 PM
It's just a boolean expression, for example :


The reason that i was looking at python for and execute condition as opposed to vb was that i need to check if a value was in a list.

The list would come in from Checkbox list on the server, atleast I'm hoping that the checkbox list will allow me to select several variables. So I would like to do something like:

value in FBVariables["list"]

Is this correct?


The solution is:

"value" in FBVariables["list"]

