I’ve tested it here and I’ve been able to execute os.system without any problems, make sure that you’ve installed the latest Python 2.5 release (IronPython 2.0 is compatible with Python 2.5 libraries) and that you’ve set the path of the python libraries in the FinalBuilder options (Tools -> Options -> Script Options -> Python Library Directory).
I have tried the same with final builder 7 ( version
I can import almost all the standard python modules except os. Then I tried to remedy this by installing IronPython and then standard Python (both version 2.7.3) and editing the settings Tools -> Options -> Script Options -> Python Library Directory
This still did not work.
Pretty terrible user experience for Python script integration with FB.
The current release build of FinalBuider is linked to IronPython 2.6, which supports Python 2.6. We will update to the latest ironpython for the next major version of FinalBuilder. To do so now would potentially break existing installs, since people already have scripts and installs working with 2.6. FWIW, I just tested with 2.6 and the os module imports fine.