OS XP SP3 French : Compiling the EXE under Delphi2007 (french) with FB6 generate the applications that displays error messages in French. It’s good.
OS SEVEN SP1 French : Compiling the EXE under DelphiXE (french) with FB7 generate the applications that displays error messages in English. It’s not good.
For information, compiling the EXE directly under DelphiXE (french) generate the applications that displays error messages in French. It’s good !
How compil EXE files with DelphiXE under FB7 that displays error messages in French, please ?
Run the BdsSetLang tool from the Delphi XE bin folder, set the language to French, then restart FinalBuilder, and then on the delphi action check that the library path has entries with $(LANGDIR). The problem is that FinalBuilder has no way to determine the language as the XE installer doesn’t write the default anywhere that we can read, the BDSSetLang tool does write an entry into the registry that we can read.
It doesn’t work. However, I write “FR” instead of “” in registry “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\8.0\MUI\Translated Library Directory”.
It’s OK now !