several files are daily generated like MiXBest2208_18_08_12345678.txt. The common of all files ist they name starting with MiXbest. I wold like to rename them all to a mixbest_1.txt. The first file will get the ending_1, the secoundthe ending_2 and so one.
Would realy appreciate if someone could give me a example.
1. Define two variables: CurrentFileName, CurrentFileCounter 2. Add a Define FileSet action, set name to MiXFiles, base directory to whereever the files are located, and change the filter to MiXBest*.* 3. Add a “File/Fileset Iterator” action. Set fileset to MiXFiles, Iterator variable to CurrentFileName. 4. Add a “Rename File or Directory” action as a child action of the FileSet Iterator action. Set rename file to %CurrentFileName%, New Name is: MiXBest_%CurrentFileCounter%.txt 5. In the “OnFirstRun” script event of the iterator action, put the following code: CurrentFileCounter = 1 6. In the “OnAfterEachIteration” script event of the iterator action, put the following code: CurrentFileCounter = Action.CurrentIteration + 1 7. Run the project!