Reusable Bits

This may already be the case, but if it isn't this is what I would like to see.

Currently I have noticed that my group has simply copied some random FB project and modified it to  build their new project.

I have started to introduce a lot of convention into the way projects are setup in perforce and how they are built.  Which then leads me back to final builder and the need to include shared project bits from a single sources.  At the moment my finalBuild project files are all unique and will get stale when I want to add new functionality globally.  I have to open each project and add the new bits.

i.e.  All the variables in my Variables\Project folder are generic, so each project should include or inherit from a single master project or include a project snippet.  i.e. projectVariables.FBZ7, which is included from my main project file.

I could have solved this also if the FB project files where in XML and not some proprietary binary format.  At least then I could have done some pre build text transform step where I fixup the final finalBuilder project file.  Even Microsoft has moved their project files to XML, so I guess that is another feature request.


Hi Herb,
FinalBuilder actually does store its projects in XML - fbp7 is XML, fbz7 is a zipped version of the XML. So re-saving your files to fbp7 will get you transformable XML (it also makes the projects more version control friendly).

In terms of re-use, have a look at the Include Project action. This allows you to run a project, or just an action list, from another project. You can pass variables from the calling project to the included project. With a bit of work you should hopefully be able to abstract out the common functionality into the master project, and use something like the Prompt For Variable action to choose which included project to run.

Hope that helps.

