we sporadically get the following exception during a build run.
[code]An Unhandled Exception occured in Action : Run Action List [ Process output files ]List index out of bounds (29)Please report this error to support@finalbuilder.com50063e0b rtl140.bpl Classes TList.Delete50064179 rtl140.bpl Classes TList.RemoveItem5006415e rtl140.bpl Classes TList.Remove0083e7de fbcoreapi.bpl FBDotNetAssemblyCache 273 TFBAssemblyCache.UnregisterUnloadNotify00c35c1f fbcoreapi.bpl FBDotNetCustomAction 207 TFBDotNetCustomAction.Destroy0073918c fbcoreapi.bpl VSoft.WeakReference 260 TWeakReferencedObject._Release50010b5c rtl140.bpl System @IntfClear50064bec rtl140.bpl Classes TInterfaceList.Clear00bb3e7f fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionAPI 1594 TCustomFBAction.Destroy00be6878 fbcoreapi.bpl FBGroupAction 131 TGroupAction.Destroy0073918c fbcoreapi.bpl VSoft.WeakReference 260 TWeakReferencedObject._Release50010b5c rtl140.bpl System @IntfClear00bd1ead fbcoreapi.bpl FBRunActionListAction 325 TCustomRunActionListAction.Execute00bb429e fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionAPI 1659 TCustomFBAction.InternalExecute00bb451a fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionAPI 1715 TCustomFBAction.DoExecute0084a529 fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionListRunner 1065 TFBActionListRunner.StepAction0084b622 fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionListRunner 1400 TFBActionListRunner.DoRun00848470 fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionListRunner 577 TFBActionListRunner.RunFrom00be93a2 fbcoreapi.bpl FBActionListRunnerThread 106 TFBActionListRunnerThread.Execute00457e9f FBCMD.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute00457d81 FBCMD.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe00457deb FBCMD.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame771a3398 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk[/code]
The “Run Action List” action is executed inside an async action group, so I would guess that this is most probably a race condition.
Manuel Pöter
Hmmm… which actions are running when this happens (apart from the run actionlist?
I have an async action group with 8 threads and every thread runs the same action list, so there are no other actions involved (except of course those that are executed inside the action list).
Manuel Pöter
I just checked in a fix for this and it’s building now, I’ll let you know when it’s uploaded.
Thanks! I’ve installed the new version on our build server. Since the error occurred only sporadically I cannot confirm anything yet, but I will come back to you when I have more information.
Our build system is now running for several days without any problems, so I guess this issue is actually fixed!