I can use Async Action Group to run multiple actions in parallel provided the multiple actions are specify underneath Async Group directly
I have a task list of 300 actions. Each action may run in their own workspace individually and share common construct. It is exhaustive exercise to add 300 actions underneath Async Action Group. Iterator actions in FinalBuilder do not work asynchronously.
Is there a solution for FinalBuilder to define an iterate action work in multi tasking behavior?
Hi Chau,
I must admit I having trouble seeing what it is your trying to achieve.
If you would like to iterate while performing all actions under the iterator in parallel, this can be done by have the iterator have a direct child as an async group. Then all other actions would be under that async group.
FinalBuilder is designed to allow for as many parallel actions as resources allow, yet this is not advised. We strongly suggest only running one parallel action for each core on the machine. We also suggest leaving one core for FinalBuilder itself.
If you need further information please feel free to send us a sample script of what you attempting to achieve. This can be sent to our support email address.
I shall use variable in each iteration. Where can I declare the variable and use with Async Action Group?
Variables can also be declared in action groups. If you require a local variable within an async action the best course of action is to define the variable in an action group below the async group, but above where it is required.
I can get my iterator action run in parallel under Async action group. I attached a sample project for you to try. Please guide me how to make it work.
Basically, I have want to iterator a list of action and let it run in parallel. I expect the attached project shall run the 7 Log action in parallel but it doesn’t.__35045__0__Async-Iterator.fbp7 (27.297 KB)
Hi Chau,
I have attached an example of how I would solve this problem. In the attached example I have pushed all the items from the list into a stack object. Stacks are async group safe and popping items is a locked operation. Next I created an action list that will iterate the stack (popping an item each iteration) and process that item. This then allows me to tweak the number of times I would like to call the action list under an async group.
This relates back to the comment I made about cores on the machine. If you have an eight core machine I would suggest adding 7 calls under the async group. Each action list will continue to process until there are no more items left in the stack.
__35046__0__Async-Iterator.fbp7 (62.652 KB)
This seems to be a workaround solution. I shall adjust the actions under Async Action Group to suit the build environment (e.g.: number of CPU cores)