Running FinalBuilder in Docker

Is it possible to have FinalBuilder (fbcmd.exe) running inside Docker?
We would like to build Delphi projects, and since we automate our building process with FinalBuilder, it would be really helpful to have it running inside Docker as well.
Thanks for your help

Whilst I haven’t tried it, my guess would be that it would work fine on a windows docker image. You would need to get it installed on the docker image, and have a license key file copied into c:\ProgramData\VSoft\FinalBuilder8

The installer will take a /VERYSILENT command line parameter for unattended install. You will probably also run into issues of detecting the installed programs, so you may need to copy a FinalBuilder8.ini file which the correct settings onto the image as well (for those tools that cannot be auto detected).

Note that normal licensing applies, each docker intance running requires a license, and the same license cannot be used by multiple instances at the same time (as the machines will have different host names).

Hi Vincent,

The installation runs, and it appears to have installed the files properly in C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalBuilder 8.

But, when I run fbcmd.exe, nothing happens. Neither fbcmd.exe -h.

Is there any place that I could find the installer log? Also, which dependencies does FinalBuilder has? For instance, does is depends on .NET or any other library/package?

Thanks for your help

FinalBuilder needs the .net framework 4.0 or later, and Powershell 3.0 or later. What windows docker image are you using?

As for the installer log, see here

I'm using microsoft/windowsservercore. Basically, this is my dockerfile (so far). This microsoft/windowsservercore already comes with PowerShell 5.0

FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
RUN ["powershell.exe", "Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-45-ASPNET"]
WORKDIR /installer
ADD /resources/installer /installer
The installer installation log appears OK, no error message appears. The installer folder contains the installer and the license key, properly copied to the ProgramData folder as you suggested.
Thanks for your help