Running Man Gif image

Hello All,

Posting a new thread on this. I have seen another thread on this where the user was told to edit the name of a GIF image to customrunner.gif and place that in the Final Builder 7 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalBuilder 7). I have done this and reloaded FB7 and it remains the same. Can anyone shed any light on how to do this please?

To be clear i would like an alternate gif image when running a FB7 Script. 

Thank you in advance

Looks like this feature is broken… not sure when it was as the code for it hasn’t changed since FB4. I suspect a change in the way windows imagelists are handled by delphi is causing this, I’ll upload a build with a fix when I figure out what is going on.

Thanks Vincent very much appreciated. Could you post when you know more? Just so i have an alert

Hi Simon

This build should fix it.

Thanks Vincent all fixed!