Running Progress

Earlier this week, I was using FinalBuilder 7 EE (the one that comes with Delphi XE) to compile and install a bunch of libraries. As the process went through the list of packages, a mini progress bar filled up and then went to “completed” each step down the list:

Our company finally upgraded to the full FinalBuilder and so I built a similar script for Delphi 12, but when I ran it, none of the steps were marked “completed” until the whole thing finished:

I looked in Tool > Options > FinalBuilder > Runtime IDE Options and enabled all the options I could see to show statuses but it didn’t give me that real-time status update like I was used to.

I read another topic here about estimating time but couldn’t this at least mark each step completed as it processes if I’m running it interactively? Or have I just missed an option somewhere?


Hi David

It’s a bug - one that I have been able to reproduce and been looking at for a while - the annoying thing is that it works fine when I run under the debugger - so finding the cause is proving difficult. As far as I can tell the progress messages are being received but the view isn’t repainting. I’ll take another run at it. Repainting bugs are hard to debug because the debugger messes with timeing - might have to resource to outputdebugstring!

Shortly after I posting this, I closed FB; a short while later, I reopened and ran another script, this time (and from then on) the progress was being shown in real-time as I had expected. So maybe it’s just that the settings weren’t applied to current session. In any case, I’m happy now!

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I reproduced it a minute ago, but after restarting it’s working fine - I need to figure out some steps to reproduce, not going to be a quick fix.

Found and fixed -

Excellent! Much appreciated.