I am using two different batch files to run this project, passing different parameters. When these two batch jobs are run at the same time, one of them succeeds and the other one gets the following error:
Error Loading Project File : Cannot open file "D:\temp\log\FTPPut.log". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
Exit with return code: 9 (PROJECTLOADERROR)
Is there a command-line switch that can be used to prevent this situation?
Because Automise log files are an embedded database, only one instance of automise can access the a specific log file at a time. The work around is to use the /TL command line option on the second instance, this will force it to use a temporary log file. The downside to this is that the log for that second instance is lost once it is finished running. If you need to keep that log info then you will need to add an export log action at the end to export it to file.