We have a custom action in a Final Builder 6 script which authorises a release via a website - this runs and completes with no problems.
We've then converted the Final Builder 6 script into a Final Builder 7 script.When running the Final Builder 7 version of the script, the custom actions fails with the following:
The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy Authentication Required (The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfull the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied)
We cannot workout why final builder 6 works when final builder 7 doesn't.
The fields required in the custom action are a username, password, release to authorise and a release code.
All of these fields are indentical on both FB6 and FB7.
Both scripts are being run on the same server as the same user.
Tools | Options | Final Builder | Internet Options are identical
We've tried re-creating the action, re-entering the details.
Confirmed we can access the website
Allowed FB7 through the firewall.
Does anybody have anything we can try or point us in the right direction please? Unsure as to why 6 works but 7 doesn't on the same machine with same user.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you