I have Run Target actions where I pass in a full path and filename (it’s the only parameter). I found (sic) that the Search in FB didn’t find the path when I wanted to do a search and replace. The full parameter was as follows (I searched for D:\Delphi\3p\Nexus Quality Suite):
D:\Delphi\3p\Nexus Quality Suite\XE7\Bin64\LineTimer64.exe
Hi Eivind,
The build that fixes this is located at
It still does not work for me in the last official 1450 build. I have sent the project file to your support email address in case it helps reproduce.
The 1486 build you emailed me a link to does fix the search part. However, when I try to Replace, it does not replace the string in the “Run Target” parameter.value, so when I search a 2nd time after the replace, the old value still exists.
Hi Eivind,
I am looking into this today.
Hi Eivind,
It appears I made a mistake in the replace code. I have updated it and the build with the fix is located here:
thanks, it works now
Sorry to hijack the thread: but seach also does not find a variable name in an execute condition. I tried build 1487 in the hope that this would fix it, but no.
Hi Tim,
Yes that has been noticed. Variable renaming is different and as a result has to be handled carefully. I will let you know when I have a fix.
Edit: Actually this comes down to scripts not being searched. I will talk with the team here and work out if there are any blocks to performing this.
Well it seems we learn something new today. There is a checkbox in the find dialog to search scripts. Checking this will locate items in the condition script and any other scripts.
So there is! Thanks.