Security settings not working as expected

I want to clean up my security settings as it’s a mess.
What I want to do is to create a simple role, with clear settings.
For now I have one user added to group “Developers”
Then I create role “Developer”:

which has “View Configuration”
Now I map it with access control as such:

This user can start/stop builds, but cannot view conifiguration:

Am I doing something wrong ?

Project has no additional security settings

Hi Michal,

The pencil icon is greyed out as you don’t have the “Edit configuration” permission.

The “View configuration” permission does not allow you to have access to the configuration wizard as the wizard does not have a view-only mode. It only gives access to the configuration view which is the page at http://server/project/ci/configurations/view/configurationname with the activity, history, etc. tabs (accessed by clicking on the configuration name).

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