I am interested in sending e-mail announcements to select customers. Is there a way that I can import e-mail addresses into Automate?
thanks for your help,
I am interested in sending e-mail announcements to select customers. Is there a way that I can import e-mail addresses into Automate?
thanks for your help,
Hi John,
The Send Email action allows you to load the list of addresses from a file. If you want to send one email with the list of people bcc’ed then load them into the BCC, otherwise use the To section and select the “Individual” mode on the Sender tab (this will send a separate email for each address in the to section).
and the other way to do it is to use a File Contents Iterator which then runs the email action (as a child action) for each email address in the file (but you need to use variables to achieve this).
Thanks Tate,
How would I go about learning how to use the variables with the File Iterator in order to achieve this?
There is a section in the help file that explains variables… but briefly, this is what you need to do:
1. Define a new variable (Tools menu | Edit Variables), call it: CurrentEmail
2. Use a File Contents Iterator action (assumes that there is one email address per line), and use the variable you created in the drop down list
3. Add an Email action and indent it so it’s a child action of the iterator
4. In the BeforeAction event of the Email Action (script editor is in the bottom section of the screen), add the following code (JavaScript):
and that’s it. although, exactly the same result is achieved by using the “Load email address from file” option in the email action (and selecting individual mode).
Thanks Tate,
I am out of the office the next couple of days, but I will try this as soon as I get back. Thank you for the instructions & quick response!
I ahve been trying to do this, but it doesn't seem to go thru. I get the "No recipents have been specified error". In the Action.Recipents command should I use the name of the .txt file instead of RECIPIENTS?
Also do I need to set any default value for the varialble "currentemail" or have any of the check boxes for Make AVAIL/Macro/Persistent?
Never mind - I figured it out & it works great!
thanks for your help,