Angus, Good Afternoon (from this side of the pond), Good Morning , your side. Thanks for the quick reply. No problem with Increment/Decrement modifier bit but I came unstuck with the following. Basically, I defined three variables: Var_Day, Var_Month, Var_Year. Defaulted to 31, 12 and 2007 respectively. Then I wanted to decrement Var_Day by 7; so Set Variable Var_Day to [NewValue]Var_Day-7. but ‘watching’ the variables gave me the error ‘Var_Day -7’ is not a valid integer. Obviously there is some syntax issue here. Also eventually need to Get Date/Time action to put current date into these variables using Options format to extract the relevent parts into Var_Day, Var_Month and Var_Year but suspect that this puts a string value in there. Correct? If so, How do I coerce these to be integers?
You will actually have to use script for these. VBScript/JScript will automatically coerce the string value in the variable to an integer when it sees that you are trying to do arithmetic with the value.