Show Build in which a changeset was included


we need a way to easily recognize the changesets that were included for each build. This will help the test-team to more easily check what can be tested. To recognize builds we could use Git tags. But that would generate many tags, which is rather inefficient. And... it is not needed. ContinuaCI actually has the information. It is available under [Associated Builds] for the Changeset Details. However this requires to verify each changeset seperately. I suggest to a add a column "Builds" just before the "Tags" column in the [Changes] view, that will give exactly that information in a single view.

What do you think?


PS: . Only succeeded Builds should be listed.

Hi Thomas,

We like this suggestion and we'll add it to our to-do list.

Hi Dave,

glad to hear it's on your list :D Looking forward to it.



thanks a lot guys. The latest release introducing "Successful Builds" is looking great.
