Single Checkbox prompt variables not working

  • Create a new project with default settings. 
  • Create a configuration
  • Add a variable named TestVar type Text prompt Single Checkbox and Value unchecked. 
  • Create a Log Entry[Information] action with Message set to %Configuration.TestVar%
  • Save and start the build. 
  • Make sure TestVar is checked during the prompt. 
  • When the build finishes search the log for that information entry. 

exp: True
act: False

Continua x64 Version on Win8.1 x64 German in case it matters.

Hi Uwe,

This is often a source of confusion. %Configuration.TestVar% refers to the Configuration Variable. The Configuration and Project variables are not changed by the build. When the build is initialised, Continua copies the Configuration and Project variables to Build variables. All subsequent changes to variables during the build are to the Build variables.  You need to use %TestVar% to access the Build variable. See Build Variables.


I knew I missed something…