Skipping action via Execute Condition shows top-level Target as [Failed]

If an Execute Condition evaluates to false, the Live Log View shows the target’s Status as [Failed] even though none of the nested actions do anything.


  1. Have the “Build Log” visible at the bottom of the screen with “Live Log View” checked.
  2. Create a new project
  3. Add a single action. Doesn’t matter what, but I tested with “Set Variable”
  4. Set the action’s “Execute Condition” to False and the Script Language to VBScript
  5. Run the script.

The Build Log will show:

Project.fbp8              [Completed]
  Default                 [Failed]
    Set Variable to []    [Skipped]

Adding additional enabled actions below the skipped one does not change the behavior.

The “Build History” tab shows the run with a green checkmark, and picking “View Log” from the context menu there does display the Target’s status correctly. Unchecking the “Live Log View” checkbox makes it display correctly too.

Tested on Not a serious issue, just confusing.

Hi Zoë

I can reproduce this here, definitely a bug - we’ll look into it.